Archive for the ‘Desert Son’ Category

Michigan Strikes Again

April 3, 2016

If you’re interested in entering a Goodreads giveaway for a free book, and you live in Michigan, then your odds of winning are increased exponentially. I’m not sure what it is about Michigan, but that state always surprises me. Even while traveling through the state during my one-year journey through America in an RV, I found something extra special about Michigan. Whether it was the people we met or the places we navigated through, we left with an unexpected satisfaction. Maybe it was the friendly  people or the friendly police we ran into a couple of times at campgrounds. Maybe it was the Upper Peninsula and our side trip to Mackinac Island. Perhaps it was the beautiful Pictured Rocks, the Soo Locks train ride to Canada, or Lake Huron. This was quite a combination.

Then comes my Goodreads Giveaway. I decided to give away a copy of my three books. My two paranormal books were offered worldwide, and my travel book was offered just to readers in the United States. The paranormal books went to Canada and Michigan. My travel book, Strapped into an American Dream, also went to Michigan. I sent it off today. Amazing odds for Michigan, considering that over 4,300 people entered the contests. The contest ended this week, and the book was mailed today.

Note to Winner: After sealing the envelope, I looked and saw my personalized note on the table. I had to force open one side and slide in the folded note, then tape it shut. Enjoy my books Michigan!

Better CT appearance for RV Show

January 20, 2016

Tomorrow at 3PM I will be on the television news show Better CT to talk about my year on the road living in an RV while hitting the 48 continental states. The RV Show is at the CT Convention Center this weekend (snow or shine). I will be talking about my travels at the RV  Show and signing books from 10 AM – 4 PM. That’s a lot of talking. I will also have copies of my two fiction books available as well, Desert Son and sequel Wayward Soul. Hope to see you there!

RV Show website:

My Website: 

Press Release for RV Show booksigning – This just in…

January 23, 2015

Think of Spring with the Northeast Connecticut RV & Camping Show coming this Weekend

January 19, 2015

I will be doing a book signing at the Northeast Recreational Vehicle & Camping Show at the Connecticut Convention Center on Saturday and Sunday (January 24th and 25th) from 10 AM to 4 PM. I will be signing copies of my book, “Strapped Into An American Dream,” which details my one year journey through the 48 continental states in an RV. I will also have copies of my latest book, “Desert Son,” available for purchase. This signing was announced in The Hartford Courant and The Glastonbury Citizen last week, and Mike Cameron will announce my appearance on Channel 3 News (WFSB) this coming Saturday. Attached is a link to the RV Show as well as my website for further details of my books. Let’s get thinking about spring in the middle of winter and get out of hibernation and into dreams of warmer weather. One month from today Spring Training starts for Major League Baseball, so I can almost smell it!

I got me a Literary Agent

October 8, 2010

Today I will be signing a Contact with a Literary Agency who liked what they saw in my Fiction Novel, “Desert Son.” This would be my second book, but first work of fiction. Creating an entire world and the people within is very satisfying. Then having someone in the world of literature telling you that it’s something that could sell is leaps and bounds beyond satisfying. Maybe I could create a Literary world where my fiction book is accepted and published and call it a day. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. The agency has some contacts, but there are many genres of fiction, and the manuscript must be appropriate. My agent was hopeful after reading my manuscript because it dealt with reincarnation, and it would cross many genres. She said she could send it to publishers of Horror, publishers of paranormal, and several other variations of these. The fact that she can send it out to more publishers increases its chance of publication. She does have a contact with a publisher of Horror, who read the synopsis of “Desert Son” when she was considering representing me, and he told her that he would definately take a look at the manuscript. More to come on this one…