Archive for the ‘Michael Jackson’ Category

Michael Jackson lived and died in a big way

July 2, 2009

There really is nothing out of the ordinary surrounding Michael Jackson’s death.  His life was epic, and most people will not come close to what he accomplished in his life by the age of ten.  Even from that young age, his accomplishments grew in epic proportions.  Now is the moment that nobody expected.  Michael Jackson has died. The world is shocked.  This is big.  This is shocking.  This is so very much in line with the way he lived.  He could never leave us slowly at a very old age.  That would not be Michael Jackson.  He left us in the same fashion as he joined us, and as he coexisted with us.  Everything about him was large, and everything about him IS large.  I was watching a movie the other night and a Jackson 5 song came on.  I was instantly shot back to the seventies and the memories kicked in.  He is still affecting people and he always will.