Posts Tagged ‘emergency’

Having An Elderly Parent

August 3, 2009

It’s not easy having an elderly parent. My father fell once again. He seems to lose his balance just walking from one room to the next. He just recovered from a chipped elbow that put him in a sling. A few months ago he fell down the wooden staircase while trying to straighten a picture he jarred on the wall. He fell on a loose rock wall returning from a neighbors and was sprawled out in our driveway until a neighbor on the other side spotted him. This morning at 5 AM he was just going to the bathroom. The end result was my father being taken to the Emergency room by ambulance. He must have tripped and caught his foot on a sharp object. He landed on his back and ripped apart his foot. My brother was called to help him up and assist in the cleanup of the blood. He lost a lot of blood, and as I write I am awaiting the results of the chest x-ray. I just heard that 12 stitches closed his wound. He’s 84 years old and has been slowing down by the day. It’s not easy having an elderly parent, but it must be a lot tougher being one.